Early RRSP withdrawal

Withdrawing funds from an RRSP before retirement age is a common occurrence in Canada. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of early withdrawals, the taxation on withdrawals, and the best strategies for withdrawing funds from an RRSP before retirement age.

Advantages of Withdrawing Funds from an RRSP before Retirement

The flexibility and potential tax benefits are the main advantages of withdrawing funds from an RRSP before retirement. Early withdrawals can be made in a lump sum or through periodic payments, depending on the individual’s financial needs. The lower tax rate on withdrawals can be beneficial for individuals who are in a lower tax bracket than they expect to be in retirement.

Disadvantages of Withdrawing Funds from an RRSP before Retirement

The potential impact on retirement savings and tax implications are the main disadvantages of early withdrawals. RRSPs are designed to provide individuals with a way to save for retirement, and early withdrawals can significantly reduce the amount of money individuals have saved. Withdrawals from an RRSP before retirement are subject to income tax, and the tax rate on withdrawals can be significant.

Taxation on Withdrawals

When you withdraw funds from an RRSP before retirement age, the amount of the withdrawal is added to your taxable income for the year. The marginal tax rate you pay on the withdrawal depends on the amount of the withdrawal and your total taxable income for the year. Also, when you withdraw funds from an RRSP, your financial institution withholds the tax. The rates depend on your residency and the amount you withdraw. In general, the more you withdraw, the higher your marginal tax rate will be.

One strategy for minimizing the tax implications of early withdrawals is to spread the withdrawals over several years. By doing this, you can reduce the amount of income you report in any given year and potentially reduce your marginal tax rate. However, this strategy may not be feasible if you need a lump sum of money to cover an unexpected expense.

Another strategy is to withdraw funds strategically based on your income needs and your marginal tax rate. For example, if you expect to have a low income in a given year, you may want to withdraw a larger amount from your RRSP to take advantage of the lower marginal tax rate. Conversely, if you expect to have a high income in a given year, you may want to withdraw a smaller amount to avoid moving into a higher tax bracket.

Best Strategies for Withdrawing Funds from an RRSP before Retirement

When withdrawing funds from an RRSP before retirement, the best strategy is to minimize the tax implications of the withdrawal. Some ways to do this include:

  1. Spreading the withdrawals over several years to reduce your annual taxable income.
  2. Timing your withdrawals based on your income needs and your marginal tax rate.
  3. Using other sources of income, such as non-registered savings or a TFSA, to supplement your RRSP withdrawals and minimize your overall tax burden.
  4. Working with a financial advisor to develop a withdrawal strategy that meets your specific needs and goals.


Withdrawing funds from an RRSP before retirement age can have significant tax implications, but there are strategies you can use to minimize the impact. By carefully considering your income needs, your marginal tax rate, and other sources of income, you can develop a withdrawal strategy that helps you meet your financial goals while minimizing your tax burden. It’s important to remember that every individual’s situation is unique, and working with a financial advisor can help you develop a withdrawal strategy that is tailored to your needs.


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